Saturday 17 August 2013

Grass Spider - Funnel Weaver Spider

Grass Spider or Funnel Weaver Spider (Agelenidae

Where: I found the Grass Spider funnel webs all over  a grassed areas near our house in Bonogin.
What type of web? The Grass Spider weaves a web with a funnel in it where the spider waits to pounce on it prey.
Where: I also found the Funnel Weaver Spider making a web on one of our day beds near our house.
Size: This Grass Weaver spider was about 1/2 the size of my finger, about 6 mm. Which means it is most likely a male spider because male spiders grow to 8mm where as females grow to 19mm.
This photo shows the Grass Weaver spider waiting to pounce on any bugs that get caught in the web.
Venom / Bite: They will only bite if provoked, and are not considered dangerous. Their venom is hemotoxic but is much less than severe than the Brown Recluse. The most common symptoms are local swelling, redness and itching. 

This video shows the Funnel Weaver spider with a bug in its fangs, and what looks like a spider displaying an electrical light from it bottom or abdomen to attract the bug. Could be a very special event! 

To check out a much clearer version of the video on youtube click here 
after verification from the natural history bug forum it is more likely that the light is coming from sunlight reflected off the web.