Wednesday 14 August 2013

Redback Spider

Red-back - Latrodectus hasseltii, family Theridiidae 

Where: I found this baby spider in our media room. It span a web in the corner of the room.
How big are they?: Female Redback spiders normally grow to 7 mm. But this one is about the size of the tip of my finger. About 3-4mm
Venom / Bite: Potentially fatal. Only females are known to bite, with a sharp nip followed at varying time intervals by increasing pain and localised patches of sweating. Results of bites are highly variable: the spider has full control over venom dosage and some bites may be "dry", i.e., venom-free defensive bites.
The venom is latrotoxin, which is effective against most animals.

My daddy said that they are preyed upon by Daddy-long-legs and Giant Daddy-long-legs spiders.

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